Thursday, September 24, 2009

Welcome to my blog!

Dear Friends and Family,

Thank you for checking in to see how this whole adventure unfolds! At this moment in time I am still in the United States, however I fly to Philadelphia tomorrow (9-25-09) and then on to Ukraine the next day (9-26-09). Upon arrival in Kyiv, I will be joined by about 100 other Peace Corps volunteers to begin our 3 months of intensive language, culture and vocational training to prepare ourselves for the upcoming 2 year adventure! I am unsure of my living situation and therefore of my internet connection but I hope to be able to update this blog monthly as I maintained throughout my experience in Madrid, Spain. Please feel free to email me with any questions regarding my experience - otherwise please enjoy the tales and pictures that I will be sure to share once the experience begins!

Thanks again for all the love and support!!



  1. Hi Megan---

    Lynn and I will be very interested in tales of your latest adventures! We've already told your parents they need to plan a trip to the Ukraine!

    Take good care, have fun---and write when you can!

    Anne Redmond

  2. This blog is laaaaaame, you need to update it more!
